Super Leg Joel Ellen on Faith and Fitness After Limb Loss

Editor’s Note:  When athlete and fitness fanatic Joel Ellen started experiencing hip pain in his early 20s, he consulted numerous health practitioners in search of the root cause hoping to find some relief from the constant suffering. After years of trying several conventional and natural therapies to no avail, his doctor prescribed narcotics and muscle […]

Cruising the Planet with Amputee Debra Kerper

Editor’s Note: When a bone infection complicated by lupus took Debra Kerper’s right leg, her doctors told her she shouldn’t be working full-time. However, after giving up her job as an office assistant, boredom quickly set in. Kerper’s restlessness led her to the nearby community college where a brochure stating, “Travel the World” caught her […]

Wheeling, Driving, Bowling, Preaching, Parenting...Johnny Hudson Does It All Hands-free!

Editor’s Note: Johnny Hudson was born in 1977 with unforeseen severe physical abnormalities. Upon giving birth, his mother was told by her doctors that she’d be better off signing her child over to them and going home. She disagreed, checked herself out of the hospital, took her baby home, and raised him like any other […]

Rolling Forward with Amputee Advocate Stella Sieber

I'm currently 63 years old and live in Durham, North Carolina. In July 2001, I stopped on the side of the road to help a stranded motorist. I had gone to the back of my car to get a pair of tennis shoes, and an uninsured speeding driver lost control of his vehicle and hit […]

Amplitude Media Group: Closing the Information Gap

Wheel:Life is thrilled to announce their newest community partner, Amplitude Media Group! They’ve just celebrated the two-year anniversary of the launch of Amplitude Magazine, a one-of-a-kind bimonthly print magazine filled with information on medical breakthroughs, the latest technology, tips on adapting to limb loss, updates on relevant political issues, leisure activities, emotional health, and anything […]

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